When cohort 53 first started class we were all strangers who came from all very different walks of life. Some of us came from higher education, others came from the service industry but with the help from the instructors mentioned below, those seemingly large gaps between us became only a few paces all in part because we all share something in common now- a curiosity to learn how to be software developers.
A big thank you to our instructors who taught us how to learn and help guide us during the last few months; Joe Shepherd, Joshua Barton, Dakota Lambert, Christinia Ashworth and Monica Kay Provence.
The career developlment team has been vital to our success as well, they deserve all the praise: Ashley Canino and Marla Lamont, thank you!
Lastly a big thanks to Fred Schmidt, Jacob Frensley, So ra Chung, Matthew Anderson and Sharif Rashed for creating this class project!